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Mobile app development

Mobile App development
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Mobile app development 

A smartphone or mobile phone is one thing that is available in everybody’s pocket. You can find it with even children. Its affordability is the reason behind it. And that has led to a huge market for mobile applications to cater to a huge customer base. The number of mobile devices is expected to rise to 18.22 billion by 2025. The total is unprecedented, and people operating them need quality applications that answer their requirements. Moreover, stuff that was done on desktops and laptops is easily doable on a mobile screen. Hence, mobile app developments have become a rage in the market. Thus, mobile app development services have become common. The blog provides a complete guide:

Know your Why before developing the App 

The development of the mobile app is an important business. There’s a lot that rides on a quality application. People base their businesses and make a livelihood. So, one should know their WHY before putting their wealth into creating a useful mobile application. Once the purpose is crystal clear, the outcome is bigger and better. 

Here are a few steps you need to focus on:

  • Will the application help your business grow?

  • What’s the cost of it?

  • What’s the frequency of maintenance, and what does it resolve?

Be clear on the objective of the app: A mobile application helps in carving a brand for a conglomerate or a simple business. It adds extra to the ordinary and connects potential customers living globally. However, it is fruitful only when the creator is clear about the motive and objective, as mentioned above. 

Can you invest that much: Mobile applications may be a costly affair sometimes. So, always calculate the return on investment and decide. If that meets expectations, you should give yourself the go-ahead. 

Know your audience: If you know your audience well, then crafting a valuable app becomes even easier. So, knowing their likes, dislikes, and habits may help in developing a righteous and budget-friendly app. 

Work on the USP: The unique selling point, or USP, is the highlight of any product. It helps draw the attention of a user and compel them to spend time and make a handsome investment. So, as you work on the unique selling point concept, you can witness the spike in application downloads.

Analyze your competitors: It’s the key to being in the competition. You must know what your competitors are up to. Thus, taking the leaf out of their ideas and thought processes regarding the apps, you can settle for the best app possible. You can get an idea of the users’ mindsets.

Expense on Marketing: It is one area where one needs to be quite creative and alert because it may demand more money than the application itself. However, in the age of social media, marketing can be planned in cost-effective ways. 

App’s features: You may have an app with abundant features. However, they may not be of any use to the user. So, ensure you induct only those options that make sense for the overall productivity. 

Market research : Before drawing a structure for the mobile app, one must grind through the market research to know which technology is available, what can be improved in development, and the demand for the application. Instead of believing in hearsay, one must get on with their own research on the market to get the best hands on the target audience. Create your set of questions and conduct a survey with relevant people to get into the details. 

It can help you with the following things:

  • Define the personality of your potential customers

  • Helps in identifying the real issues and gives a leeway to resolve them

  • Demystifies the creative aspect of creating and developing a good app by engaging with potential users

  • You can know about the business opportunities attached to it

Create a Blueprint: Once you’ve made a decision and completed the market research, it is time to create a wireframe or a complete blueprint of your mobile application. It’ll include the entire look, design, functionality, features, and overall specifications that you want to embibe. 

The following details may help you:

Phone dimensions: While creating the blueprint, you must know the dimensions of the phone because the greater the compatibility of the app, the better the results or outcomes you may see during downloads. Also, it helps in setting the appearance of the app right away. 

  • Ensure that it dispels the mess on the application 

  • Moreover, it should create an illusion of the actual screen shape and size

  • Must be compatible to app software or operating systems like iOS, Android and others.

Get to UX/UI designs: Users generally observe the looks before the features and usage. So, it is important that UX/UI designs are set appropriately during the blueprint. Thus, working on different design patterns as per the operating systems. The design should assist users and help them maneuver better while offering a great experience. 

You can use different software to get it right. However, take one thing into account you should use the pro versions for the best result. 

Get into the design aspect by understanding the common issues people might face. Look into the strategy and change it whenever required based on the internal feedback. 

Choosing the right platform 

You have a plethora of choices to make. So, picking the platform that suits your user base the most is the key to success here. Android and iOS are the preferred platforms for now. You can even use HTML5 for web application prototypes. 

Get into Development phase

Once the blueprint and designs are okayed, it is time to get into the development phase.

Know about the server

Choose the best server possible that can help your database and serve the objective of a seamless network to users. You may require the configurations and settings for the optimum outcome. Hence, test the back-end functionality properly. 

  • You’ll require an API (application programming interface), which includes protocols, tools, and practices needed for developing a righteous app through programming languages

  • Focus on the front-end, which belongs to the user. It may require certain animation, graphics, design, and structure to make the app complete in all aspects.

Testing phase 

Testing is the most important phase, which makes the application shine in the market. There are phases of testing:

  • Documentation testing

  • Functional testing

  • UI/UX testing

  • Business testing

  • Target audience testing

  • Performance testing

  • Compatibility testing

  • Certification testing

  • Security testing

Once all these tests are passed with flying colors by the application, including the internal testing and feedback by the company, you can rest assured of its success. 


Mobile app development needs rigorous efforts, energy, time, creative ideas, money, and patience. However, it can be done by selecting the best mobile app development services that give value for money. They are experts in the field and know what must be done to create greater footfalls on an app. Also, they have appropriate data to ascertain what users may demand from a certain business mobile app. 


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